Other Bands
Other bands we were in, both before and after Legion.
Steve Dirks and Bucky Goodman booked several of these bands. I recall one event, staged by Bucky, at the Bunny Club on South Seneca, I think. Bucky talked to all his bands, telling them that he was bringing in several big name club owners and promoters (e.g. "Gil McConkey from L.A.") to audition new acts. They could audition (free) and maybe hit the big time!
Meanwhile, he rented the Bunny Club on a Sunday and advertised a "Teen Dance." No promoters or other club owners were there, and Ratty raked in the $$ at the door. By the middle of the afternoon, word got out that it was a sham, and it pretty much fell through. I recall one of the bands, "Marble Frog" from Oklahoma, had a one-armed guitar player... picked with a claw.