The Band
Pat Kelly, Rick Lamb, Bryan Hill, Steve Downey, Chris Church
Being part of the band known as Legion was an unforgettable experience for all of us. It was an amazing and versatile band that enjoyed incredible success and notariety in Wichita, Kansas, during the 1970's.
Aw, who am I kidding! We were nuthin but a bunch of good ol' boys!
Steve, Bryan, Rick, Chris, and Pat on tractor behind the club.
Cheesy publicity shot
Steve and Rick
Steve and Robin
Rick, Bryan, Steve, and Pat pose thoughtfully backstage!
Chris Church, Rick Lamb, Steve Downey, Bryan Hill, and Pat Kelly
The "big" tree in the Casino parking lot.
Steve, Bryan, Thane, and Rick in the "Green Room"
Steve, Rick, and Robin being crazy
Heeeeeere's LEGION!
Hitch Hike, Baby!!!